Dear Team,

The Complaint {{ $complaint->complaint_number }} has reached {{ count($escalationHistory) }} of escalation.

Registration Number Complaint Number Customer Organization Customer Name Customer Contact Number Complaint Category Complaint Sub Category Complaint Description
{{ $complaint->registration_number }} {{ $complaint->complaint_number }} {{ $complaint->company_name }} {{ $complaint->customer_name }} {{ $complaint->contact_number }} {{ $complaint->complaint_category_name }} {{ $complaint->complaint_subcategory_name }} {{ $complaint->description }}

Escalation history:

@foreach ($escalationHistory as $escalation) @if($escalation->stage==0) @else @endif @endforeach
Status Case Owner Escalation To Date
Auto EscalateEscalated{{ $escalation->escalation_to }} {{ $escalation->escalation_to }} {{ $escalation->stage_date }}

Request your intervention to resolve the complaint and meet the Customer expectations.

To review the complaint, please click on the link provided below:

Complaint Link


Volvo Customer Care

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